how to support snowboard development?

Choose it like a proby CASI-ACMS snowboard instructorsTrust no copycats!All in one placeRead less, ride more |

Choose it like a proby CASI-ACMS snowboard instructorsTrust no copycats!All in one placeRead less, ride more |

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how to support snowboard development?

How to choose a snowboard .info
Published by @joaoobranquinho in editorial · 19 March 2024
Tags: supporttruesnowboard
The first snowboard profile - the traditional camber - came from ski, but since then some snowboard brands developed a lot more types of profiles as well as edge technologies (not to speak about the influence snowboard had on ski itself, we're just here for snowboard gear! Sorry for that one...) that since then, some of them, have been adopted by the ski industry.
Some snowboard brands invest time and resources in developing the sport and that they succeed in doing it. There would be no rocker profiles if it wasn't for them. Other brands, that mainly sell skis or other stuff, just pick knowledge from the first ones (which we call "true" snowboard brands) to build some boards and flip them for a profit through their already existing publicity and distribution channels. This brands won´t invest in developing snowboard, they may though get you lower prices, or not.
So if you want to help your favorite sport evolve and have more and more fun with it, a great way of doing it is by supporting "true" snowboard brands and shops (mostly local specialized shops that favor "true" snowboard brands). It's not easy if you don't know the brands, and that's where the good snowboard shops come in, also try to read about them before buying. We have both a snowboard brands list and a snowboard shops list you can check. And once you get the brands figured out come back to our snowboard size chart, snowboard width chart and snowboard boots size chart to get everything in the right sizes, since we always try to favor the pioneers too.

note: an older version of this text was once on our home page as it represents who we are in snowboarding. If you recognize it, thank you for being here from the start.

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